Merope Silestone Quartz is a dark gray quartz with a hint of brown to it, Merope works well against gray cabinets and in kitchens that feature jewel-toned accents. Thicknesses: 1.2cm 2cm 3cm Available textures: POLISHED, SUEDE
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Merope Silestone Quartz is a dark gray quartz with a hint of brown to it, Merope works well against gray cabinets and in kitchens that feature jewel-toned accents. Thicknesses: 1.2cm 2cm 3cm Available textures: POLISHED, SUEDE
Merope Silestone Quartz is a dark gray quartz with a hint of brown to it, Merope works well against gray cabinets and in kitchens that feature jewel-toned accents. Thicknesses: 1.2cm 2cm 3cm Available textures: POLISHED, SUEDE